27. okt. 2015

That old yellow house

“Your house shall be not an anchor but a mast.
It shall not be a glistening film that covers a wound, 
but an eyelid that guards the eye.” 

Oh, how I love that yellow old house and its surroundings.. :)

This little charming yellow house is located in a small alley called "Bakgaten" 
at Holmestrand city in Vestfold, Norway. 

Once there was a smallwarren of old houses that together with the house "Backergården" was saved after a fire in 1884. Upon registration in 1992 only two houses (number 4 and 6) was still standing on the left at the north side of the road, but both were decayed and was supposed to be torn after a desition made in 1987. There was a huge discussion about what would happen to the buildings, and protection was in the works. Nr 4 was estimated to be among Holmestrand oldest, but a sample of the timber showed that it was cut in 1805. It was then given permission to tear it down in 2005. 

No 6 is still under renovation, and the owner received cultural protection funds in 2011.

 This is one of the houses that is located closest to the railway, and the white house is right across at the other side of the railway. Behind this there is a steep mountain with trees that has this marvellous glow at this time of year- as you can se :) 

(Some of the facts was found at page 16 here)

Click the buttons for more :)

I hope you enjoyed this little storytelling and the pictures :)

25. okt. 2015

Ellos har de nydeligste tapeter :)

Se på bildet som henger i gangen,
perfekt vakkert, helt uten feil.
Det mangler kanskje rammen,
og noen kaller det et speil!

Tapeter er i skuddet som aldri før, og jeg skulle virkelig ønske jeg eide min egen bolig nå og kunne boltre meg med masse forskjellige tapeter. 
Håper det inspirerer :)

Alle bildene er lånt med tillatelse av Ellos og innlegget merkes som REKLAME, 
selv om det egentlig kun er meg selv som drømmer litt. 
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